05 January 2009

The end of 2008 and beginning of everything else have gone well so far. I have continued the mission and have managed to capture Polish, North Carolinian, familial, and other high-fivers and I have recently started to write the name of the blog on all of my bills in an attempt to attract more readers.
As the pendulum of the new year starts to swing I hope to find a bit of clarity as far as my goals of having this blog are concerned. I have mentioned to family and some friends that I might eventually like to use the blog as a means to post on different volunteer opportunities with the long-term goal of forming a contingent of high-fivers that will travel to said venues and volunteer while spreading the high5 cheer.

ONE. my siblings and I on my sister Jeanette's (far right) birthday.
TWO. the spunky staff of Girls Incorporated. Photo taken by Jenny Demers.
THREE. a pleasant Polish couple photographed at the Park Street stop of the Boston subway system.

Good luck this year. I hope you all get everything you're looking for.
Keep on keeping on,